Technical regulation and development of design codes
Notes on development of the seismic intensity scale

Eisenberg J.M.

Problems of seismic zoning mapping for building codes

Eisenberg J.M.
The updated version and problems of further development of SNiP II-7-81* «Construction in seismic areas»

Eisenberg J.M.
The system of standardization in the field of urban planning and protection from natural and man-made impacts — STROSTANDART

Eisenberg J.M., Akbiev R.T., Kolesnikov A.A., Smirnov V.I.
Seismic intensity scale. Analysis and suggestions for improvement

Eisenberg J.M.
Federal and regional programs to ensure the seismic safety of Russia
Seismic safety of the territory of Russia as a federal target program

Eisenberg J.M., Akbiev R.T., Belyaev D.V., Utkin V.B., Yagudaev Yu.V.
Tasks and prospects for ensuring seismic safety of the territory of Russia until 2015

Eisenberg J.M., Akbiev R.T.
Some proposals for the adjustment of the Federal target program «Seismic safety of territory of Russia» until 2010

Eisenberg J.M., Akbiev R.T., Belyaev D.V., Sarana V.G.

R & D — the cornerstone of federal and regional targeted programs

Eisenberg J.M., Akbiev R.T., Belyaev D.V.
On the issue of the intensification of work to ensure the seismic safety of territories

Maksakov R.A., Belyaev D.V., Eisenberg J.M., Smirnov V.I., Akbiev R.T.
Design, construction and reconstruction of earthquake-resistant buildings and structures
Seismic resistance of structures using the steel permanent formwork system

Eisenberg J.M., Akbiev R.T., Gasiev A.A., Pershin A.Yu.
Theoretical and experimental research in the field of seism-resistant construction
Dynamic tests and seismic resistance of hinged facade systems

Eisenberg J.M., Akbiev RT, Smirnov V.I., Chubakov M.Zh.
Investigations of a house-building system with bearing elements from steel thin-walled cold-formed profiles for construction in seismically dangerous territories

Eisenberg J.M., Smirnov V.I., Akbiev R.T., Shishlyannikov A.A.,Akbiev D.A., Feofanov V.V.
Determination of periods of natural oscillations of frame buildings for practical calculations in antiseismic design

Eisenberg J.M., Mamaeva G.V.
Seismic isolation of buildings and structures
Seismic amplification of the state concert hall in Grozny

Smirnov V.I., Akbiev R.T., Eisenberg J.M., Chubakov M.Zh.

Seismic isolation of tall buildings

Eisenberg J.M.
Theory and real behavior during earthquakes

Eisenberg J.M.
Safety of constructions under natural and technogenic exposure
Protection of structures from earthquakes and explosions. Differences and similarities 

Eisenberg J.M.
Some problems of ensuring seismic reliability of modern responsible and complex structures

Eisenberg J.M.
Self-regulation of professional activity in the conditions of natural and technological risks
Problems and prospects of self-regulation of urban planning in seismically hazardous areas

Eisenberg J.M., Akbiev RT, Vilner M.Ya., Smirnov V.I., Rogozhin E.A.
On the role of self-regulation in solving problems of ensuring seismic safety of territories

Abakarov A.D., Eisenberg J.M., Akbiev R.T., Atazhanova S.D., Barannikov V.G., Zherlitsyn A.M., Zabolotskaya E.N., Lokhtin S.K., Makarov A.Yu., Mogushkov I.M., Musokhranov S.G., Reztsov E.I., Smirnov V.I., Khasauov R.M.
Scientific-technical and information support
Urban planning, seismic safety and sustainable development of territories: target tasks and complex solutions

Eisenberg J.M., Akbiev R.T., Smirnov V.I.
+7 (499) 705 67 12
Registration in systems
Scientific and technical journal
ISSN 2221-5638 (print) | ПИ № ФС77-27300 from 22.07.2007
ISSN 2686-7508 (online) | ЭЛ № ФС77-72436 from 05.03.2018
+7 (499) 705 67 12
The publication is registered in Roskomnadzor. Certificate ПИ №. ФС 77 27300 dated February 22, 2007
ISSN 2221-5638 (print)
ISSN 2686-7508 (online)
Frequency: 6 issues per year
Postcode 62009
Agency "Rospechat" (JSC)
Russian Post (FSUE)
Alternative Subscription Agencies —
Ural-Press (LLC), Informnauka (LLC), etc.
In the editorial office you can purchase a set or individual issues of the magazine
Russian Federation, 111024, Moscow, Dushinskaya street, house 7, building 1
+7 (499) 705 67 12
The publication is registered in Roskomnadzor. Certificate ПИ №. ФС 77 27300 dated February 22, 2007
ISSN 2221-5638 (print)
ISSN 2686-7508 (online)
Frequency: 6 issues per year
Postcode 62009
Agency "Rospechat" (JSC)
Russian Post (FSUE)
Alternative Subscription Agencies —
Ural-Press (LLC), Informnauka (LLC), etc.
In the editorial office you can purchase a set or individual issues of the magazine
Russian Federation, 111024, Moscow, Dushinskaya street, house 7, building 1
+7 (499) 705 67 12
© Natural and technogenic risks. Safety of buildings., 2020 All rights reserved.