Technical regulation and development of design codes
The Concept of new codes of earthquakeresistant construction
Authors: Uzdin A. M.
Key words: system of normative documents, earthquake-resistant construction, score scale, seismic risk
The proposed article contains a General concept of possible norms of earthquake-resistant construction. It is not based on the existing norms, but is focused on modern achievements of earthquake-resistant construction and new norms of other countries. Existing developments ensure continuity between old and new standards.
Topical issues of targeted planning for urban development and integrated security in the Far East, the Siberian region and the Arctic in the Russian Federation
Authors: Akbiev R. T.
Key words: Arctic; The Baikal region, Government program; urban development, Far East, integrated security of territories, program-target method, spatial framework, The Siberian region, strategic development, spatial development strategy.
The article examines the current state and methodological approaches to the use of such an important tool of program and target management as state programs, as well as its potential applications for urban development and integrated security in the Far East, the Siberian region and the Arctic in the Russian Federation.
To the question of organization of seismometric monitoring in the territory of passing of land and sea transport routes in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation
Authors: Rogozhin E. A., Akbiev R. T.
Key words: seismic impacts, seismic monitoring, state planning, the Arctic seismic network, transport routes, the Arctic.
Researches are devoted to the actual problem connected with creation and the organization of work of the Federal Arctic seismic network of the Russian Federation, uniting in itself monitoring of territory of the Russian Arctic and monitoring of responsible objects. It is shown that if the project is implemented within the framework of the state program, this approach, apart from practical results for ensuring the safe functioning of anthropogenic objects, opens great prospects for the development of fundamental scientific research, both in geophysics and in other sciences.
Theoretical and experimental studies
Bond strength of the earthquake, coefficient of reduction, the peak accelerations and energy characteristics of seismic influence
Authors: Bogdanova M. A., Benin A. V., Nesterova O. P., Semenov S. G., Tkachenko A. S., Uzdin A. M., Smirnova L. N., Long, A. A., Why G.
Key words: earthquake intensity, reduction ratio, peak acceleration, power characteristics, relationship.
The paper analyzes the results of E. Simbort, according to which the reduction coefficient (the coefficient of limit states) depends on the dominant period of seismic input. It is noted that the results were obtained due to the fact that the author rationed peak accelerations of input according to the current Guide Lines (degree 9on the MSK scale corresponds to peak accelerations equal to 4 m / s2). If we take into account that the real peak accelerations decrease with the increase of the prevailing period, the corresponding reduction coefficients will correspond to the standard ones. If we fix the reduction coefficients, for example, in accordance with Guide Lines, we will obtain the dependence of peak accelerations on the prevailing input period. Further, the authors examine the different approaches to the valuation of design accelerograms, the energy criteria for setting the acceleration and earthquake intensity, in particular. Developing these approaches, the authors propose to regard the work of plastic deformation forces as a criterion of earthquake intensity. To this aim, we build a two-dimensional spectrum of the work of plastic deformation forces, which depends on the period of the pendulum oscillation and on the destructive force. The volume under the surface obtained is proposed to be taken as a measure of the earthquake intensity.