Scientific and technical journal
ISSN 2221-5638 (print) | ПИ № ФС77-27300 from 22.07.2007
ISSN 2686-7508 (online) | ЭЛ № ФС77-72436 from 05.03.2018
+7 (499) 705 67 12
Technical regulation and development of design codes
Practical experience in the designing and construction of facades of public and residential buildings in conditions of insufficient regulatory support

Rumyantsev S. S.
Key words:
facade, hinged translucent structure, ventilated facade, technical requirements, confirmation of Compliance, regulatory and technical documentation
Each stage of the work of the facade company of the "full cycle" - from design to commissioning of the facade - assumes the presence of: technical requirements for the facility (mechanical, fire safety, building physics requirements), work (design, production, installation), to confirm compliance ( calculations, tests, certification). All requirements for typical facades should be established in the normative and technical documentation. For unique designs, additions and changes to the basic requirements are developed. For hinged translucent structures and ventilated facades, regulatory and technical documentation is extremely scarce. The absence of a nationwide system of requirements for facades leads to a decrease in their quality and threatens safety. The contractor now bears full responsibility for the facade; the developer of the facade system can only suffer reputational losses. In the near future, it is necessary to develop a system of regulatory and technical documents that ensure the safety of facades, as well as clearly determining the procedure for confirming compliance and the measure of responsibility of each participant.
Theoretical and experimental studies

The function of acceleration distribution density for a construction site

Sabirova O. B. Sakharov O. A. Uzdin A. M.
Key words:
seismic effects, peak accelerations, density distribution function
The technique is given and, as its application, the functions of the density distribution of peak accelerations for the construction site are constructed. The starting point for such a construction is the shaking of the territory, the values of peak accelerations on the scale of points, as well as the hypothesis on the distribution of peak accelerations according to Weibull's law in case an earthquake occurs. It is concluded that to use the density distribution functions of peak accelerations, a non-discrete score should be used, and a continuous calculated point, replacing the summation over the whole points by integration.
Fire safety
On redundancy of fire safety requirements

Meshalkin E.A. Antonov S.P.
Key words:
fire statistics,regulatory documents on fire safety,degree of fire resistance,fire resistance limit,fire protection,fire tests,fire modes
The statistics of fires and deaths in buildings. The problems of fire resistance of structures and buildings, the use of fireproof technologies, and the expected changes in regulatory requirements are identified.
Safety of components, buildings and structures

On grounds of efficiency of soil compaction using explosion technology

Belash T. A. Gorodnova E. V. Dergachev A. M.
Key words: explosion method, strengthening the foundation, stabilization
The article describes the base sealing method using explosions, have been analyzed using the method of the explosions at the base of the seal in Russian and abroad.
Some constructive actions for increase in seismic stability of high-rise buildings

Ivanova Zh. V. Snitko A. A.
Key words:
high-rise construction, seismic loads, seismic protection systems
The article analyzes the construction of high-rise buildings in seismic activity in Russia and abroad. The methods of design and construction of buildings with a height of more than 75 meters are considered. Analyzed the common systems of seismic protection of structural elements of high-rise buildings with a seismicity of the site 7-9 points. A solution is proposed for calculations to strengthen the bearing elements of building structures by means of a system of vertical prestressed steel cords, with the help of which the stiffness characteristics are adjusted and improved.
Safety auditing. risk assessment and management

About the function of distribution density of damage to residential buildings during earthquakes

Akbiev R. T. Astafieva A. V. Uzdin A. M.
Key words:
earthquake, seismic risk, economic risk, earthquake resistance, construction, sustainable development, urbanized area, damage, distribution density functions
Analysis of seismic risk in the design and assessment of the quality of development within the urban area can be carried out on the basis of known General formulas.
This should take into account the nature of such development, and instead of the amount of points to build the distribution of damage must be used integrals on the continuous calculation score. It is shown that the direct summation in units of points leads to polistirolnoj distribution function of damage which in practice can lead to «misinformation» of the participants of urban planning activities using the resulting analysis estimates the risk values for the purposes of planning and management of sustainable development of territories, including insurance.
+7 (499) 705 67 12
Registration in systems
The publication is registered in Roskomnadzor. Certificate ПИ №. ФС 77 27300 dated February 22, 2007
ISSN 2221-5638 (print)
ISSN 2686-7508 (online)
Frequency: 6 issues per year
Postcode 62009
Agency "Rospechat" (JSC)
Russian Post (FSUE)
Alternative Subscription Agencies —
Ural-Press (LLC), Informnauka (LLC), etc.
In the editorial office you can purchase a set or individual issues of the magazine
Russian Federation, 111024, Moscow, Dushinskaya street, house 7, building 1
+7 (499) 705 67 12
The publication is registered in Roskomnadzor. Certificate ПИ №. ФС 77 27300 dated February 22, 2007
ISSN 2221-5638 (print)
ISSN 2686-7508 (online)
Frequency: 6 issues per year
Postcode 62009
Agency "Rospechat" (JSC)
Russian Post (FSUE)
Alternative Subscription Agencies —
Ural-Press (LLC), Informnauka (LLC), etc.
In the editorial office you can purchase a set or individual issues of the magazine
Russian Federation, 111024, Moscow, Dushinskaya street, house 7, building 1
+7 (499) 705 67 12
© Natural and technogenic risks. Safety of buildings., 2020 All rights reserved.