Scientific and technical journal
ISSN 2221-5638 (print) | ПИ № ФС77-27300 from 22.07.2007
ISSN 2686-7508 (online) | ЭЛ № ФС77-72436 from 05.03.2018
+7 (499) 705 67 12
Safety of components, buildings and structures
Structural design of elements of increased compliance in seismic isolation systems

Belash T.A.
Key words:
seismic isolation structures, implementation, domestic and foreign experience
Currently, in the domestic and foreign earthquake-resistant construction, seismic protection systems in the form of seismic isolation devices with
different designs are becoming more and more widespread. The chronological sequence of application of these devices is given, while the main
attention is paid to the elements of increased compliance that perform the function of seismic isolation directly. The main requirements for seismic
isolation systems are formulated and recommendations for their effective use as seismic protection systems for buildings and structures are presented.
On the possibility of using seismic isolation for seismic protection of gas tanks

Dymov E.A.
Key words:
gas tanks, seismic isolation, rubber-metal supports, tank structures
Gas tanks are one of the most dangerous and technically complex structures that belong to the II hazard class of industrial facilities. Construction of these facilities can be carried out in difficult engineering-geological and climatic conditions, including in areas subject to seismic hazard. Taking into account the specifics of construction in such areas can avoid emergencies that may lead to environmental disasters, human casualties and material losses. Therefore, one of the most important engineering tasks for most industrial facilities is to ensure trouble-free operation of tank structures, especially for oil and gas industry facilities. In this regard, this article presents the results of research on the use of special seismic protection systems in the form of seismic isolation in gas tanks for seismically active areas.
Introduction of additional damping in the frames of earthquake-resistant buildings

Belashov M. S.
Key words:
dampers, earthquake suppression, multi-storey frame building
The frame system is one of the most common types of systems in the construction and design of buildings and structures due to their «flexibility» in choosing design solutions, which, as a result, allows you to use this system in buildings and structures for various purposes, and in different natural and climatic conditions, including in conditions of high seismic activity. However, the analysis of the consequences of strong earthquakes showed that many of the frame buildings during the seismic impact receive serious damage caused by the destruction of their junctions, and as a result, the instability of the frame to seismic impacts, therefore, issues of ensuring the reliability and safety of operation of frame buildings are of great importance for their functioning. One of the ways to improve earthquake resistance is to use various means of seismic protection, including earthquake suppression devices in the form of dampers, which are widely used in the world. However, their application in the domestic practice of earthquake-resistant construction is limited. The article presents an overview of damping devices and a computational study of the effectiveness of using traditional and non-traditional solutions in the form of dampers in frame multi-storey buildings to increase their earthquake resistance.
Seismoisolating the railway bridge in Uzbekistan

Alatyrtseva E.L., Uzdin A.M., Dolgaya A.A., Shermukhamedov U.Z., Shulman S.A.
Key words: bridges, seismic protection, superstructure, mass tuned damper
he problem of bridge seismic protection for the conditions of Uzbekistan is considered. The bridge is located in an area with seismic intensity 9 on the MSK scale. It has high massive piers based on natural bed and relatively small and light spans. This made it possible, when selecting a way of seismic isolation, to use span structures as a mass tuned damper for piers oscillations in the direction along the bridge. Due to the damping effect, it was possible to get the seismic forces in piers in the presence of a superstructure to be less than those of a free support without a superstructure. At the same time, the rigidity of fastening the superstructure to the pier has increased in comparison with the rigidity of classical seismic isolation, which facilitated the design bearings simpler.
Safety of hydraulic structures
Loads from tsunami waves on coastal structures

Authors: Yakovlev A.D.
Key words:
tsunami resistance, load from tsunami
On the territory of the Russian Federation for a long time there were no specialized building codes for the design of buildings in areas with a possible occurrence of tsunami waves. Until 2018, the load from tsunami waves on coastal structures could be determined by RD 31.33.07-86, which is not intended for the design of buildings. But starting from December 24, 2017, SP 292.1325800.2017 came into force. This article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the magnitude of the load from the tsunami wave on coastal objects, the advantages and disadvantages of these documents in comparison with each other are indicated, the size of the discrepancy between the values of the load value with the same initial parameters is shown by example.
Prediction and safety in emergencies
Development of a long-term forecast of natural hazards for the population and territories of the Stavropol, Krasnodar Territories and Kabardino-Balkaria

Nigmetov G.M., Akimov V.A., Maklakov A.S., Savinov A.M., Nigmetov T.G., Egorova A.A.
Key words:
natural fires, earthquakes, floods, emergency forecast, GIS system
For the territories of the Stavropol, Krasnodar Territories and Kabardino-Balkaria, the most dangerous natural hazards are geological and water hazards and natural fire hazards. At present, in the long term, only seismic hazards can be predicted with a certain degree of probability.
Theoretical and experimental studies. Test methods
Studies of calculated snow cover weight and altitude coefficient values in mountainous and poorly studied areas to determine the loads on buildings and structures

Adzhiev A.Kh., Bekkiev M.Y., Kondratyeva N.V., Yurchenko N.V., Akbiev R.T.
Key words:
snow cover weight, maximum water reserve, projected object, snow load, observation series, weather station, snow accumulation, calculated dependence, determination coefficient
The results of determining the normative value of the snow cover weight and changes with the height of the terrain of snow weight for the designed objects of the Udokan Mining and Metallurgical Combine at altitudes from 600 to 2000 m are presented. To determine the estimated snow load on buildings and structures in the territory of the facility creation, the series of annual maximums were used the amount of water in the snow cover obtained as a result of snow-measuring route observations at high-altitude weather stations located close to the designed objects. Based on the data of weather stations, a regression linear model of the dependence of the water supply in the snow cover on the height above sea level was built. The main calculation method for finding the coefficients of a linear equation is the least squares method. It was revealed that with an increase in altitude of 1 m above sea level, the water supply in the snow cover increases by about 0,1 mm.
+7 (499) 705 67 12
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The publication is registered in Roskomnadzor. Certificate ПИ №. ФС 77 27300 dated February 22, 2007
ISSN 2221-5638 (print)
ISSN 2686-7508 (online)
Frequency: 6 issues per year
Postcode 62009
Agency "Rospechat" (JSC)
Russian Post (FSUE)
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